What I think after a year of being a full time indie developer.

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Important things for Indie from my experience

I have been a full-time independent developer for a year now, and I hope to share some valuable tips with you based on my experience, thoughts, and growth as a full-time indie.

product development

Product Development

First and foremost, the most important thing for IndieDev is to create apps and games. It is crucial to release products and consistently update them in response to user requests.

Passion is paramount.

I believe that my current activities are a result of my proactive efforts to effectively communicate my passion for development to my users.

heart dog

I proactively search for the product name on social networking services like Twitter and engage with users' posts. Through such communication, I can effectively convey my passion for the development of my products.

Aiming to be unique, rather than just being the number one.

When you release an app or game, it is highly likely that there will be competing products.

only 1

Even if a product has no competitors at the time of its release, similar products often emerge over time. The crucial aspect is to strive to become the go-to choice for users. When you receive user requests, incorporating and enhancing your product as much as possible can foster a strong attachment to it.

One of the advantages of being an indie developer is the ability to establish close communication with users and leverage this information in our development process.

Try not to be too trendy.

Success can be elusive if you simply follow the same path as everyone else. It is crucial to consistently reflect on the unique value you can bring based on your own identity.

mega trends

Occasionally, a certain degree of reassessment is necessary. For instance, incorporating generative AI into your project solely because it is currently popular may result in reject from Steam reviews.

While it is important to be aware of social trends, it is equally vital to make decisions calmly and thoughtfully.

Media Management

For those of us who develop independently, it may not be advisable to invest heavily in marketing. In fact, I have never paid for advertising and yet have managed to become a full-time IndieDev.

Additionally, effective social media management plays a vital role. I have found that my products are often purchased by individuals who have come across my social media posts.

My product's first anniversary tweet got a lot of reactions on Twitter.

my tweet

It is beneficial to establish a connection with individuals who enjoy the app or game and generate interest in the developer's activities. The simplest approach is to include links to your social media platforms within the product.

By doing so, you can gradually grow the number of people who are interested in your updates and announcements.

Moreover, running a YouTube channel can have a significant impact.

If you are interested, please read the following blog post about my experience of increasing YouTube subscribers without compromising personal development.


Task Management

I think indie development is the most difficult genre to sustain.

motivation image

The mentor who taught me about game development ultimately quit without ever releasing a product.

It is crucial to consistently set appropriate goals and take consistent action.

Try to avoid spending excessive time looking at your competitors' posts on social networking sites.

It is easier to maintain motivation when you minimize the habit of comparing yourself too much with others.

While there are numerous individuals developing fantastic games and apps on the Internet, focus on your own passion and keep pursuing your development journey.

Wrapping up

start up

  • Be passionate about your product and consistently update it to create a unique experience for users.
  • Be cautious about blindly following the latest mega-trends.
  • Ensure that users who trust your product are directed to your social networking sites.
  • Set appropriate goals and continue developing your product. It is also essential to avoid getting distracted by enticing projects pursued by your competitors.

These are my personal opinions, so not everything may be applicable to your situation.

However, I hope that some of these insights prove useful to you.